We provide a snack, homework time, and playtime.
$25.00 Registration per student (non-refundable)
This is due by the first day of school prior to your student attending morning or aftercare.
If registration is not paid by September 1st, it will increase to $50.00. There will be no exceptions.
The registration fee must be turned in with your After-Care application.
$10.00 per-day per-student
7:00am – 7:25am & 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Before and After-Care services are only available on school days.
Any child who is picked up after 6:00 pm will be charged an additional $1 per minute.
Bills are emailed to parents on or before the 5th of each month for the previous month and are due upon receipt. A $25 late fee will be added to the aftercare invoice if payment is not received by the last day of the month.
AfterCare can be found in the PE T-building. Please park at the High School and walk down the covered walkway to the T-Building located across from the cafeteria.