The goal of this course is to form students’ spirituality, intellectually, and practically as leaders on and off the campus of Catholic of Pointe Coupee. To prepare and encourage true leaders we must engage each student’s mind, body and soul. This begins with fostering ways for each student to go deeper and grow spiritually-in their personal prayer life and their personal relationship with God. Campus ministers must understand diverse types of prayer and commit to an active prayer life. This will be fostered by frequent in-class formation, times of prayer and frequenting the sacraments.
Students will learn the ins and outs of event planning through active participation in preparing retreats, service days, school events, setting up for liturgies and being willing to serve whenever called upon. Student will be equipped with practical decision-making skills that will help him/her excel in various future endeavors.
The motto of Campus Ministry is “You. Did. It. To. Me.” Come join us to find out more!
To be a considered as an applicant, a student must desire to grow as a spiritual leader and be willing to serve the school, church and community in different ways.
Participation is necessary. Therefore, attendance is crucial.
It is through prayer, service and discussion that students are best able to develop as effective leaders and student ministers.
Note: Past discipline and attendance records will be checked as part of the application process.