Yearly transportation costs provided by First Student to transport student athletes to respective away/home games
Yearly disbursement of $3,000 total for senior athlete scholarships after graduation
3rd/4th grade football helmets
Football golf cart with dump bed
Football jerseys for 3rd-6th grades
Yearly homecoming court flowers & photo set up
Volleyball carts & volleyballs
Baseball screens & baseballs
Large windscreen for Hornet Park
Golf uniforms
New Basketball goals for the gym
Yearly soccer senior night flowers & gifts
Softball supplies including softballs & nets
7th & 8th grade baseball catching gear
Yearly baseball senior night flowers & gifts
Spring athletic banquet flowers & supplies
$20,000 towards the development and construction of the locker rooms at Hornet Park
Concession tables & a new popcorn machine for Hornet Park
Weightlifting belts for all programs
Golf bags for the girls &boys golf teams
Tennis equipment for the new tennis team
2022-2023 Accomplishments:
Baseball: Professional foul poles and J hooks for tarp
Basketball (Girls): Assisted with the cost of the banquet
Football: A new camcorder
Softball: Assisted in purchasing new uniforms
2021-2022 Accomplishments:
Baseball: Wheeled L screen, 3 team bats, and the continued improvements at Hornet Park
Basketball (Girls): Funds for banquet
Cheer: Supplies for pep rallies and run-through banners
Football: 2 iPads
Golf: Green fees
Powerlifting: 5 lifting belts
Track and Field: 4 starting blocks
Soccer: Lightweight netting
Softball: Financial assistance with the cost of the entrance gate
Stingerettes: Dance clinic supplies
The mission of the Green Hornet Club is to support the Catholic of Pointe Coupee athletic program by means of financial support, volunteerism, and guidance so that student-athletes may excel in their respective sport.
Any parent may join the Green Hornet Club. Membership requirements include helping with one of the fundraisers or activities. If you would like to be involved, please contact [email protected].