Parents are welcome to eat in the cafeteria at any time at their cost based on the current breakfast and lunch meal prices.
No fast food, canned drinks, or candy is allowed in the cafeteria during lunch.
A student cannot be served if there is no money in his/her account.
Payments can be made annually, semi-annually, or monthly.
There will be a $33 charge on all NSF checks.
At the end of the school year, parents may receive a refund of unused money from the student’s account by requesting it, in writing, from the Cafeteria Manager before the last day of school.
LAChip: The Louisiana Children's Health Insurance Program provides health coverage to uninsured children up to age 19. It is a no-cost health program that pays for hospital care, doctor visits, prescription drugs, shots and more.
LaCHIP Affordable Plan: A LaCHIP health insurance program for uninsured children in moderate income families whose income is too much to qualify for regular LaCHIP.The Diocese of Baton Rouge Child Nutrition Program offers healthy meals every school day.
Any student who attends a Diocesan school that is a part of the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) may participate in the breakfast and lunch programs at his/her school. Students who do not qualify for Free or Reduced-price meals may purchase meals. If you are not eligible now and your income decreases, you lose your job, your family size increases or you become eligible for SNAP, FITAP, or FDPIR benefits, you may submit a meal application at that time. You may apply for benefits any time during the school year.
All students are given the opportunity to apply for free or reduced price meals. Applications may be completed online at or paper applications are available at each cafeteria. A new meal application must be submitted each year, unless you are notified that your child has been approved for free meals as a direct certified student. Only one application is needed per household.
To see if your child/children qualify for Free or Reduced price meals, please refer to the Income Eligibility Guidelines Chart for the 2024-2025 School Year.
If you feel your child/children qualify for Free or Reduced price meals, please complete and submit an application.
This includes:
Frequently AskedApply Online All Information
If you have a child that will be attending a Diocesan school and he/she has a sibling already enrolled who is a Free or Reduced student, please complete the New Student w/ Sibling Info Form and turn it in to your child’s cafeteria as soon as possible.
Every student has an account with the cafeteria. The account contains your child’s meal account balance, as well as any special notes and/or dietary needs as requested on the Diet Prescription form you submit. All student information is highly confidential and is not shared with anyone.
Parents and non-students are allowed to purchase meals at prices set by the Child Nutrition Program. However, all meals must be paid for at the time of service. No one is allowed to charge a meal to a student's account.
Please bring exact amount of meal cost, the cafeteria staff cannot give change.
Parents are encouraged to prepay for their child’s meals so that money for meals will always be available. Regardless of how you choose to pay for your child’s meals, you may check your child’s cafeteria account activity any time by going to after you have set up an account online.
Pre-Payment Options:
Checks used to pay for school meals must meet the following criteria:
Negative Balance:
Please remind your child not to share their Point-of-Service (POS) number or Meal ID Card with friends or other students.
A copy of your child’s account activity is available by checking the account online at
You do not need to make online payments to view your child’s account.
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