Big News!
Seventh grade students, Liam Segura and Parker Wells, competed in the District 15 FFA Creed Speaking Leadership Development Event (LDE) contest on 12/4 at West Feliciana High School. They competed against seven other 9th grade students from Zachary High School and North Iberville High School. The top four students are chosen to move forward to compete at Area IV contest. Liam Segura placed 1st and Parker Wells placed 2nd, so they will be competing against students from several schools across southeast Louisiana in the Area IV contest next week at Fletcher Technical and Community College in Shriever, LA. The judges were extremely impressed with these young men and their speaking abilities. Cullen Dawson also had an opportunity to do a mock competition at the Creed Speaking event, and the judges said he would have placed in the top four, as well, had he competed in the actual contest. Only two students from each school can compete, so that is why only two students competed in the actual contest, but we are very excited for all three students and their accomplishments!
Liam and Parker are advancing to the Area IV Contest next Friday in Schriever!
Wish them luck as they continue to shine!