6th Grade | A total of 4 hours of service to school, Church and community.
7th Grade | A total of 8 hours of service to school, Church and community.
8th Grade | A total of 12 hours of service to school, Church and community.
9th Grade | A total of 16 hours of service to school, Church and community.
10th Grade | A total of 20 hours of service to school, Church and community.
11th Grade | A total of 24 hours of service to school, Church and community.
12th Grade | A total of 28 hours of service to school, Church and community
You must have a minimum of 2 service hours in each category. (6th grade is required to have one
You must have differentiated acts of service present on your service hour log sheet.
Family service will only be allowed to be logged for the 2024-2025 school year. You should serve your family daily.
If a church employee or community leader are not present to witness your act of service, a picture must be attached to your time log for proof, or your hours will not be approved. No excuse.
All service hours are due April 1.
If you have any questions concerning service hours, contact our Director of Christian Formation
Call your Church parish and ask how you can earn service hour
Volunteer at a parish family event serving food, helping with crafts, picking up, setting up, etc.
Volunteer to clean the church with the church cleaning group
Help at a Knights of Columbus Lenten fish fry
Help at a bake sale or bake some treats for a bake sale
Altar Serving
Lector (Read at Mass)
Help pull weeds in the flowerbeds
Reach out to the ministers to offer help with a youth event or things around campus
Volunteer at your church's PSR program
tutor a classmate or a younger student without pay.
In school service days for your grade level counts towards your service hours
You can only have up to 1 hour allotted towards bringing goods for a service drive
Altar serve, sing in the choir/cantor or lector during a school Mass
Offer to help a teacher during your lunch and recess
Offer at a school sponsored event
Help in concession stands
Ask the front office if they have an opportunities for service hours
Lead a service project
Bake goods for a bake sale
Helping teachers after school
Organizing and participating in a campus clean up after school
Helping our janitors or Mr. Jimmy during your lunch and recess
Volunteer to help coach for elementary sports during a practice
volunteer at a local civil parish event
participate in a charity run (not a fun run)
volunteer at a soup kitchen
help at Catholic Charities in Baton Rouge
help at St. Agnes with the Missionaries of Charity
help an neighbor with yard work without pay
babysit for a family for a night without pay
volunteer at an animal shelter
visit elderly in the nursing home
make cards for local community members and deliver them
tutor a classmate or a younger student without pay
volunteer at a food bank
help St. Vincent de Paul Society with home visits
collect coins or run a drive for a cause
donate your clothing and toys deliver them to someone in need (up to 2 hours)
pick up litter at a local park
volunteer to mentor younger children as an assistant coach
pet sit without pay